Sponsor A Single

for our 6-week, in-person class for personal development from a Biblical Perspective

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Pop Quiz!

1. True or False?

The highest calling of Christianity is to get married and have children.

2. True or False?

It's not important to include single men / women in the life of the church.

3. True or False?

One cannot experience the fullness of the Christian life until they get married.

4. True or False?

Based on their interactions and underlying messaging, many Christian, single men and women would say the average, married Christian believes the previous 3 questions are TRUE!  😱

Pop Quiz Answers:

Questions 1-3 are False & (sadly) Question 4 is True.

In talking with single men and women,
I think the most difficult thing to hear was that
they felt there was an underlying message in the church
that the highest calling of Christianity
is to get married and have children.

This message (real or imagined) caused them to feel like they were often unwanted and excluded
from certain aspects of church life.

It created in them a sense that they could not experience the fullness of the Christian life until they got married.

Single Men and Women Are...

No Longer the Minority

Nearly 50% of the population is single. The percentage of people who are married is decreasing while the percentage of people who have never been married is increasing.

Seeking Godly Relationships

"Relationship" doesn't just mean a romantic connection. You have relationships with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. So, how do we build Godly relationships?

Feeling Excluded

Most churches - especially smaller ones - don't have a singles ministry. In contrast, most churches DO have children's, youth, men's, and women's ministries.

What are


looking for?

We have talked to many that are hungry for a community of Christ-followers who want to learn and grow into effective relationship builders.

They have told us that there are few resources available to them for learning and mastering the relationship skills they need in dating, engagement, marriage, and life.

Will You Help?

A Peak Inside Our Class

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"It was very useful to learn about how to manage my own expectations in the context of singleness and compare that to what scripture says."


"Not only did we learn a lot of great content, but we also got to do it in the moment, feel comfortable with it, and leave with even better understanding than we started with."


"The class offers incredible opportunities - many that I have never seen before - to do some interactive and transformative activities."

When you were single and / or in your 20s-30s...

Did you receive age and stage appropriate education about your identity?

Did anyone in your church, school, or work environment teach you how to communicate effectively with people around you? 

Did someone teach you how to have a healthy mindset about situations and circumstances? 

Were you taught how to recognize and communicate your expectations, feelings, and boundaries? 

Did you learn how to handle that arose in a healthy way?

Me neither. 😅

What if someone had offered to help? 

What if someone had offered you a class to help you understand and uncover those very things during that stage of life - and undergirded that instruction with a biblical foundation?? That’s exactly what we’re offering! Our class will include: 

  • Curriculum based on developing mental, emotional, & spiritual health - specially designed for singles
  • Opportunities to practice what they're learning
  • Activities involving other participants that really drive the point home
  • Up to 60 Singles from the Austin area
  • Delicious food
  • A fancy but fun environment

Will you help us keep it cost-effective? 

We are charging for the class.  Not only do we need to cover our expenses, but we've found that when someone financially invests in something, they are more likely to appreciate it and fully participate. 

To cover our expenses, we need to charge around $80 per person, per 3-hour class. However, we would like to keep the cost at $50-60 per class for the participants.

This is where you come in!

  • You can Sponsor A Single for as little as $30 for one class. 
  • Or you could sponsor 5 singles for one class for $150.
  • Or you could sponsor 5 singles for the whole class for just $900.
  • Or you could sponsor the whole class of 60 for $1800.
  • Or pretty much any amount in-between!
I'd like to Sponsor A Single!

Here's What They'll Receive:

When a participant registers for the class, he or she gets all of the following - valued at around $4000!

✅ 6 Weeks of In-Person Classes taught by Cosmo & Suzi

($2000 Value) 

NOW is the time for single men and women to grow in knowledge of God and application to life. In this class we'll build relationship skills and clarity about who we are in Christ.

Over 20 hours of coaching on the topics of Purpose, Personality and Identity, Mindset, Communication, Boundaries, and Conflict Resolution. We'll also provide time for practicing what you learn through personal application and group activities.

✅ Class Night Perks 

($300 Value) 

In addition to the teaching time and group interactions, participants receive a beautiful, full-color workbook to use and keep for future reference.

Participants will also be treated to gourmet appetizers and desserts as well as specialty beverages (non-alcoholic) each week.

✅ Between-Classes Interaction 

($700 Value) 

Consistency is key. To help us keep our minds on the material throughout the week, we'll host a private online community group that is NOT Facebook! It will be a great place to ask questions, encourage one another, learn more about that week's topic, and keep our minds on what we're studying. 

We'll also invite participants to a Zoom Q&A during the week we don't meet. This will be yet another chance to get questions answered by Cosmo and Suzi. 

✅ Post Class, Ongoing Materials 

($1000 Value) 

We'll have a Graduation Party with lots of surprises to enjoy.

We'll give online access to some mini digital courses Cosmo and Suzi have created related to adulting well. 

Finally, we're going to use the recordings from our class to create an online course. Participants will have lifetime access to that online course



We're only charging $299!


We want to make this class accessible to as many people as possible. However, we also need to cover our expenses, hence the need to charge! So, we're asking for supporters who would come alongside and Sponsor A Single!

I want to Sponsor A Single
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6 Classes - 6 Topics

We'll dive in to each of the following topics during our classes and we'll take our time, covering just one topic per class. We'll have teaching, practice, group activities, and coaching to make sure participants walk away with a thorough understanding of each topic. 


  • Do I know how to speak to be understood?
  • Do I know how to listen to truly understand?
  • What is the healthy way to handle conflict?
  • How can I identify and express what I am feeling in a healthy way?


  • What does it mean to renew your mind, biblically?
  • How can I handle change in a healthy, gracious manner?
  • What should I do when I'm disappointed?
  • What playlists do I have on repeat in my mind? Are they accurate?

Vision / Purpose

  • What’s my vision for my life? What's God's?
  • How do I choose between two good things?
  • Is my purpose the same thing as my career?   
  • How can I evaluate a person as a good potential friend and/or spouse?

Personality / Identity

  • What personality traits and gifts make me unique?
  • How can I gain more confidence (without arrogance)?
  • How can I further develop a growth mindset?
  • What does my family of origin have to do with my personality and behaviors?


  • Why is important to set boundaries in relationships?
  • How do I set authentic, healthy boundaries?
  • How do I stop playing games with the opposite sex?
  • How do I express who I am in appropriate ways (being genuine)?


  • Is conflict bad and should therefore be avoided?
  • How can I handle conflict in a mature and healthy manner? 
  • What is the right perspective to have going into conflict?
  • Why is conflict resolution important and how can I do it well?

How Will We Spend Our Time?

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Meet the Coaches for the Class



Our vision is to see Christians walking in the fullness of who God created them to be and to be so anchored to the truth of God's Word that they go out into the world and affect change in their circles of influence. 

Cosmo and Suzi attend Hope Chapel in Austin, TX. Cosmo served as the college pastor for four years. Suzi has served in the Women's, Connections, and Children's Ministries. 

Since 2017, Cosmo and Suzi have served as Teaching Leaders for Bible Study Fellowship in the Austin Young Adult Class.


Oh-so frequently asked questions!